Do you want to delete files that refuse to be erased (DELETE) on the computer?

Computer use has become essential in our lives. At such times, when we want to delete some data in the computer, what bothers us is that some files that we want to delete are not deleted and show an error. At such time we have to seek the help of some SOFTWARE. It can be seen now.

That means if we try to delete any file or folder in our computer, we will not be able to do the job. Any error message will be reported. 

For example, if you try to delete a file, you will get a message that this file is being used by another traveler, you may get confused and wonder why this message is coming even though no one else is using it.

These types of persistent files take up a lot of space on your hard disk. Here's how to deal with this dilemma. There is a great software for this. In this, if you select the files or folders that refuse to be deleted on your computer and then select the method to delete. That file will be deleted.

The name of this software is: NTFS UNDELETE | Download NTFS Undelete

Click on the link I posted below and download and open it. Then select any files in the OCAL disk that are not deleted with Open Ana and try RUN. Now everything is CLEAR FILES.

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