What is cancer?


 Chelly: It's not good at a young age.. It's as if the throat is blocked.. Tell me that it's difficult to swallow.. One day you suddenly vomit.. Go to the doctor. ..operation will be done..then chemotherapy treatment ..there is fear, you can't tell who will get what at any time.

Celli: OK, what is this cancer?

Googly : Did you know that cancer cells are present in everyone's body? .they will be gummy..now in your body too..

Celli : Shouldn't I go and get tested and treated?

Googly: No. ..I will not know if I go and do a test now..it will be known only when it develops into millions of cells....Until then no test will tell..

Celli: Then when will we know..how can these cells proliferate?

Googly : When the immunity is high in the human body, these cells do not multiply..Whenever the immunity is low, then these cells also multiply..When any nutrient decreases in the body, these cells are likely to multiply..and cancer grows..

Do you want to build it by doing a cell operation?

Googly: Yes.

Celli: Then chemotherapy is necessary to destroy those cells in the body?

Googly : Our approach is wrong..understand this.When there are many mosquitoes in the house or on the road, it is not enough to destroy the mosquitoes..even if we don't keep the garbage..there will be garbage..so we have to keep the environment clean..like that The body should also be kept so that these cancer germs do not multiply..

Celli : Isn't chemotherapy good?

 Chemotherapy destroys not only fast-growing cancer cells but also healthy cells growing in the bones and stomach. It also affects many organs like intestine, kidney, heart, etc. 

 Radiation, which destroys cancer cells, burns healthy cells, organs, tissues, etc., causing scars and causing cancer cells to grow again.. Many people die because of chemo therapy.

(i) Oxygen level in the body should be high so that this cancer cell does not proliferate. Cancer cell has no chance to grow in high oxygen situation. So exercise and deep breathing should be practiced daily. If you practice breathing, the cells of the body will get a lot of oxygen. This oxygen therapy helps to destroy the cancer cells in the body. 

 (ii) Second Proliferative acidic foods.. The best way to fight cancer is to avoid foods that cause cancer cells to proliferate. Goat, pork, soda, coke, coffee tea etc. should be completely avoided.. Instead drink lots of green tea. Fish and chicken. Can be taken in small amounts..

 (iii) Green vegetables, fruits especially leafy greens are the best food which are rich in fiber. Cancer cells die or do not multiply in an alkaline body. A good diet is 80% fresh vegetables, juice, whole grains, seeds, nuts and a little fruit to keep the body in a good alkaline state. 20% may be cooked food. Get nutrients that help healthy cells grow. Fresh vegetable juice and raw vegetables should be taken 2 or 3 times a day. Drinking plenty of good purified water can also help fight cancer cells. Sugar and salt are also very bad.. Then it is very important No Cigarettes No Hot Drinks Alcohol.


(iv) Keep your mind excited without stress. Stress is another cancer cell multiplier. Stress increases the acidity of the body and thus paves the way for cancer cells to multiply. Cancer is a disease of mind, body and spirit! Positive thoughts and healthy thoughts can give you the power to fight cancer.

5. Don't get angry, shout with love and enthusiasm and approach everything with a good sense of humor.

If we approach this cancer with a positive attitude that we and our family can fight against this by following these three things and being supportive, we can beat cancer naturally without chemotherapy.

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