Aloe vera is a great doctor !!!


Learning is a gift that nature has given us. Nature has given us a lot of free medicines. It would be more accurate to say that we don't know much about natural medicine. Aloe if taken in rural areas... Available in many places. There are a lot of health benefits to growing naturally.

There are many types of cacti like sorghum, small cacti, large cacti, ghost cacti, black cacti, red cacti, rail cacti. Turmeric has been used for medicinal purposes. The leaf extracts contain anthroquinones, resins polysaccharide and several chemicals called ‘aloctinbi’. The yellowish liquid that is distilled from aloe vera is called ‘moosambar’.

It is used in the production of cosmetics and medicines all over the world. It is also used in the production of medicinal and cosmetic products. Small cacti are presented as Soddy cacti.

Cut the flesh into small pieces and wash well with water 7-10 times. If you touch the cactus with your hand, your mouth will squeal. If you wash it, the bitterness and bitterness of the aloe vera will be reduced.

Improving relationships

 The roots of the sorghum are cut into small pieces and cleaned, milked in an Idlib pot and the roots are placed in a tray and the milk is steamed, dried and powdered and mixed with a tablespoon of milk daily. Sex is an unhealthy relationship.

 Grow hair

 The flesh of three succulent cacti is collected and placed in a bowl, in which a little bit of the ground powder is sprinkled to separate the water from the flesh in the sodden area. The best way to do this is to mix coconut oil or coconut oil with water and apply it to your hair daily. Good sleep.

 If you get hit in the eyes

 If you are caught in the middle of the night and your eyes are red and swollen due to other causes, then you can use aloe vera juice to ease the pain of sleeping at night. The disease is cured in three days. If you take a small amount of aloe vera powder, tie it in a knot in a cloth, hang it and collect the water droplets; if you take this as a drop, you will get eye diseases, itching in the eyes and the eye will become red.

 For a cooling bath

 To make herbal bath oil, you need to make a decoction of aloe vera and strain it by adding one kilogram of good oil and keeping it in the hot sun for 30 days. The oil will turn green. It is a cooling oil that is mixed with the required fragrance and used for a bath.

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 Men can also use aloe vera juice for immediate relief of scratches and wounds while shaving. The ‘instant doctor’ for Burns is aloe vera juice.

 Wash your face with warm water in the morning and evening.

Apply it on the face, neck, arms and legs. There is no skin disease. If you apply aloe vera gel to your hair, you will not fold it. Lowering of the head. The body is cold.

 You can also apply aloe vera juice to tired feet due to travel fatigue. It soothes and softens skin. Refreshes and moisturizes tissues. Suitable for all skin types. It helps to reduce wrinkles on the face and keeps it youthful and fresh. Especially if they are hidden from prying eyes.

 You can put aloe vera over your eyes for eye irritation. The body becomes hot and looks shiny after eating a tablespoon of aloe vera juice mixed with olive oil in the morning and evening. Long-term constipation goes away. The liver is healthy.

 It is used to blacken the head and stimulate the growth of the testicle in the care of the testicle. Eliminates dandruff and hair problems.

 It relieves skin irritation. Aloe vera is brewed with sorghum coconut oil and rubbed on the head to make the kesam thrive better. The oil is soothing to the eyes and soothing to sleep.

 Aloe vera juice can penetrate our skin four times faster than water. It is rich in vitamin C and A.

Aloe vera is high in protein, which can reduce the fat content in the skin called collagen, which cures the wrinkly ageing appearance of the face.

 This oil regulates the monthly menstrual cycle. Can cause miscarriage in pregnant women

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